21 November 2022SAM
5 December 2022
The pre-separator (also called industrial dust collector) enables to collect and at the same time filter industrial wastes in full safety
- Application: Increase capacity Different types of emptying : big-bag, skip, barrel… & vacuuming of hot products
- Collection: Container or silo
- Operators: Up to 6
- Air output: Up to 8000 m3/hour
- Vacuum pressure: Up to 8000 mmWC
- Collection capacity: Up to 7 m3
- Particle size: Up to 60 mm
- SIMPLE: Moveable by fork-lift
- QUICK to deploy
- FLEXIBLE: Helps to collect waste in a wide variety of ways (container, big bag, skips, barrels, continuous handling system etc.)
- SAFE & ENVIRONMENT: Collection and emptying of waste without dust emission.
- Visits & recommendations
- 1-year-warranty
- Key-in-hand delivery if required
- 1 after-sales-service visit included in the warranty
- Rental & leasing
- Extension of warranty
- Inspection contract
- Maintenance contract
- Statement, network study, implementation
- On-site & external training (STANDARD INDUSTRIE training institute: IFSI – No. 31 59 05660 59)
- Explosion/flame protection vent
- Earthing by earthing reels
- Level detector
- Cyclonic head
- Filter bags
- Supporting structure for big bag discharge
- Manual, pneumatic or continuous outlet gate
Case studies pre-separator
- All
- Activated carbon
- Sinter