The plant was experiencing regular production stoppages due to the formation of bridging in the flat-bottomed silo containing polyurethane dust.
Manual ringing was carried out 4 to 5 times a month.
The customer wanted to install a system to prevent the silo from becoming blocked.
STANDARD INDUSTRIE’s technical team installed 3 AIRCHOC® AC3 air cannons on the 140 m3 silo.
The recommended equipment is in Atex version, as polyurethane is an explosive product.
At the same time, the customer cleaned the clogged filters to eliminate this cause of bridging.
Since the installation of the AIRCHOC® air cannon cleaning system, the plant has seen a clear reduction in production stoppages and cleaning frequency due to clogging.
The silo has had a few vaults, but these have been unblocked with AIRCHOC® using occasional shots.